Mend for GitLab

Continuous open source security seamlessly within the GitLab CI pipeline

Secure Continuously Within GitLab

Empower developers to find and fix open source vulnerabilities effortlessly from their GitLab UI. Enable security pros with visibility into new vulnerabilities, along with actionable insights, on open source libraries and their dependencies as soon as they are added to projects when they are easier and less costly to fix.


Automate Remediation

Automatically generate a Merge Request that includes all of your dependency updates, mapped to verified suggested fixes, for detected open source vulnerabilities.

Comprehensive Security Insight

The report provides reference links, a dependency tree, vulnerability information, and suggested fixes for each detected known open source security vulnerability.

Gitlab Ultimate users can also view this data from their comprehensive Security Dashboard.

Learn how Mend integrates with GitLab

Secure your code effortlessly

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