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SCA Your First Step Toward Supply Chain Security

Research shows that open source supply chain attacks are now the #2 most common attack vector. The breach of SolarWinds showed just how devastating a software supply chain attack can be. Protecting the software supply chain is a complex challenge that includes code signing, identity and access management, policy and software composition analysis (SCA).

Hidden Risks of Using Open Source Software

With each passing year, open source software use increases. But this trend does not come without a price. Modern software’s heavy reliance on open source components created space for exploitation by malicious actors. New threats are challenging to detect and to protect against. This session should arm you with knowledge about the risks and practical...

Addressing Security Debt with a Developer First approach webinar

As organizations struggle to keep the application layer secure, more security tasks are added to developers’ already heavy workloads. The result: alert fatigue, friction between security and development teams and, ultimately, higher risk as security debt continues to grow. Clearly, requiring developers to become instant security experts is not a viable option. What are the...

Managing Supply Chain Security Risks in the Enterprise

The sharp increase in attacks on organizations’ software supply chains requires policy makers to address supply chain risks with a more structured approach. President Biden’s Cybersecurity Executive Order #14028 and NTIA’s Software Component Transparency initiative aim to strengthen supply chain security through advanced visibility over organizations’ software bill of materials (SBOM). It’s crucial to formulate...

Reducing Open Source Security Risks in Apps & IoT Devices

Over the past years, attacks on the application layer have become more and more common. Recent research reports on reducing enterprise AppSec risks have found that the highest level of security risk is considered by many to be in the application layer. Applications remain a top cause of external breaches, and the prevalence of open...

Removing Technical and Security Debt with Dev – First AppSec tooling

As organizations AppSec tools and practices shift left in the DevOps pipeline, development teams are required to assume responsibility for security tasks. While this is an important step toward achieving DevSecOps maturity, integrating application security testing tools risks burying developers under a seemingly never-ending list of security alerts. How can organizations make sure that development...